
so saturday i was cleaning some things in my yard…with sandals on…(sandals?)…yes sandals (i wasn’t expecting to clean up things…i just happened to see one thing in the yard…then the one thing turned into a couple of things…and so on)

i ended up picking up a metal rod of some sort…and it fell and landed on my big toe…

no big deal…

but then i started to get worried…for one thing it made a good size cut on my toe…(only needed one band aid though)…but it was also rusty…

Tetanus Shot

now all I’ve heard growing up is “if you cut yourself with anything rusty you need to get a tetanus shot!”…but is that true?…I mean what are the odds I’m going to lose my toe?

are there any medical peeps that read this thing?
need some free medical advice!

The Evil Empire

It’s already begun…

This devastating natural disaster has the ability to make strong men weak…and weak men weaker…you can’t run from it…you can’t hide from its reign…it’s here…and here to stay (for a while anyway)

I hate allergies