after reading/discussing the parable of the sower (mark 4), the tougher it seems to be to live that out…
i’ve tried to focus on being the sower…
even though he (the sower) cared for the seed…he still recklessly tossed seed on all types of soil…rocky soil…good soil…any soil…he wasn’t picky or prejudice
what keeps us from doing the same?…are we picky on who we talk to?…what keeps us from desiring to spread mercy, grace, love, hope, joy, ect that the lord has given to us?…
maybe desiring isn’t the right word…i think we do desire these things but somewhere between desiring and acting there is an obstacle…what is it?
(what is your obstacle?)
we talked about these things a little in small group this week…
the lord is good…
and forgiving…