Dexter and Jessica’s Wedding

July 1, 2011
Manila, Arkansas

yes, I know it’s blurry, but for some reason I like this next shot

7 Comments on “Dexter and Jessica’s Wedding

  1. what a BEAUTIFUL wedding!!! and grant, loved all the pics. for some reason i’m especially attracted to how you took each b-maid and groomsman and framed them indiviually with their bouquets/boutineres. and LOVED all of the shots you took of jess and dex together in the field, and with the balloons. just another wonderful job my friend 🙂

  2. Grant,

    You seriously just made me cry! I can’t imagine having more beautiful wedding pictures. Thank you SO MUCH! You were/are so wonderful to work with. I will cherish these images for forever!

    p.s. My favorite picture is of Dexter holding the water bottle to the back of my neck! Such a sweet moment 🙂

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  3. These are absolutely gorgeous! As I said…the most beautiful wedding I have EVER attended! In every aspect! You guys are a precious couple.

  4. What a Great time to be had by all….so happy for you…Stacy you are so BLEST to have such a beautiful girl…gbloxom

  5. Grant- as the mother of the groom-I could not be more proud! You capture every emotion and we are able to relive such a wonderful day just by looking at these pictures time and time again! Jess and Dex are just perfect to us like these pictures. Again- thank you! Stacy and Frank Barksdale