Today I had the chance to experience something I had on my calendar for 15 years. In 2002, my dad told me to put August 21, 2017 in my calendar and that we were going to take a trip to see the total solar eclipse. Being a weather / space nerd, I didn’t need any convincing. Over the years, we would randomly talk about our future trip to see the solar eclipse and how, even if we were sick, we would make this trip happen.
And we did make this trip happen. And my dad even bought matching shirts. 🙂
Here are a few images from the eclipse. We were just north of Eddyville, KY.

My Mom, Nephew – Jaelun, my Dad, and myself.
With our matching shirts

First Contact




Diamond at the beginning of totality

This isn’t a camera effect. This is literally what it looks like when you look up with your naked eye.

A few solar prominences.

Maybe my favorite image from the day.
Diamond at the end of totality.
This was the most incredible thing I’ve been able to witness in nature. Absolutely nothing compares. Every time I think about it I still feel the same awe and wonder. God’s creation is a miraculous thing and I thank the Lord I had the opportunity to experience this.
Please go see the next one in 2024. Skip work. Take a vacation day. It will be worth it.